why the error message "DBPROCESS is dead or not enabled" appear frequently , but when i run the application again ,it can connect to the server.
What can i do to solve the problem?
SERVER 2000 enterprise edition (not sp4)
this is a very generic one, indicating mainly that the communication between the server and the client failed, due to problems like a lost connection, problems in the used protocol, timeouts, or simply a SQL Server error which should be protocolled in the SQL Server log and/or event log (depending on the severity). In addition make sure that you enabled remote connections for named Pipes / TCP.
HTH, Jens K. Suessmeyer.
But is there any problems, when i update the sql server to sq4, will the problem be resolve?
Is this sql server's bug or the network problems or client application's problem.
Anyone can help?|||Anybody has the same problem with me?|||
J'ai exactement le même problème au bout d'un certain temps d'inactivit. Je cherche à le rsoudre. J'ai ce problème depuis que je suis pass à SQL Server 2005. J'accède à SQL Server par l'intermdiaire d'un accès natif dans mes applications Windev. A bient?t avec la solution, j'espère
|||also check whether the Auto close property of the database is on ... if it is on .. set it OFF and try
select DATABASEPROPERTY ('somedatabase' , 'isAutoClose' ) run this statement and if it returns 1 set this property off and see
|||Je rencontre galement ce problème seulement sur un ordinateur client parmi une dizaine sous Windev en accs natif ( l'ancien ) : j'attends le nouveau avec impatience mais si quelqu'un a une solution ?.
Idem : somedy has solved this problem ?
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