I am using SQL Server 2000. I have a Column with DataType int and default value specified as (null). But, With Insert or Update if the column value is Blank, 0 is getting inserted instead of the desired NULL.
Is there, by chance, a trigger on this table?|||NO. There is no trigger on this Table.
|||Well... create a complete DDL script for this table and post it here - something must be there.Also, how you make a insert / update - directly or via some kind of stored proc? There may be a preprocessing in there that you miss, for example.|||
What exactly do you mean by "column value is blank". If you are explicitly trying to force a blank into the field then yes, it is going to get assigned as zero:
create table dbo.testo
( rid int,
x int default (null)
)insert into dbo.testo select 1, ' '
insert into dbo.testo (rid) select 1
select * from dbo.testo
rid x
-- --
1 0
If, however, you are wanting to insert a row and allow the default to occur you must do something similar to what I hilighted in red
If you want to UPDATE to the default value, you can use syntax something like this:
update dbo.testO
set x=default
where rid =1
YES. The Column Value is getting evaluated to '' as the user did not enter anything for the field on the form. Is there any way '' can be evaluated to NULL instead of 0.
- vmrao
|||declare @.p1 varchar(255)set @.p1 = ''
insert into Mytable (rid, myintcol)
select 10, nullif(@.p1, '')
|||Thanks. NULLIF worked.
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